Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Okay so far here are my two favoritest parts of Texas...

The giant bronze statue of George Bush Sr. at Houston-Bush International Airport AND

The Fox News Channel Store. Also at Houston-Bush International.

Some more pics from the most conservative airport in the world...

In case you forgot your ipod.

In case you forgot your gun.

I feel very alone out here. My co-workers are nice, but one of them is definitely a Republican, he asked for a bi-partisan bar to go to tonight. Also, I'm still really hurt by the episode last night, more so cause I spent all my money on cab fare, and now I'm broke as well as brokenhearted.
Off to work!


  1. That W Bush statute reminds me of Michealangelo's David, with all it's homoerotic undertones.


  2. Yeah, it's pretty great. I wish I had some puppies to pose under it. Or a fan to "blow" on it. I think I might get jumped if I try any funny business there though.


Who wants to fuck the Editors?