Friday, February 27, 2009

Party with the Party! CPAC in the hizz-ouse.

So CPAC 2009 is finally here! For those of you unfamiliar, that's the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. It's where lots of republicans, young and old, get together to be outraged, discuss "strategy", and cheat on their wives. Plus you get lots of super great deals on super great relevant literature, as evidenced by the ad "3 Conservative Books for 1$ Each" front and center on their homepage.

Showcased (by me) sponsors include:

The American Federation of Senior Citizens
Catholic Family Caucus
Concerned Women for America
Islamic Free Market Institute
The Poker Players Alliance
Radio America
The Republican Majority (I don't think they have one of those anymore)
Youth for Western Civilization
and of course, the Libertarian Party and the NRA.

And what kind of super smart, super relevant things will these protectors of American Freedom be discussing, in between downing white Russians and hating gays? Here's a sampling of their agenda: note-These are actual events. Let's play spot the irony, shall we?

The Key to Victory? Listen to Conservatives

Sarah Palin Unplugged on the Media Video Interview

Al Franken and ACORN: How Liberals are Destroying the American Election System

Presentation of the Charlton Heston Courage Under Fire Award (recipient TBD)

Bailing Out Big Business: Are We All Socialists Now?

What the Government Doesn't Want You to Know, and How You Can Find Out:
Putting the Freedom of Information Act to Work for You

Will Congress Take Your Guns?

Health Care: The Train Wreck Ahead

How Many Crimes Did You Commit Today?

Media in the Obama Era: Is Journalism Dead?

The True Cost Of Global Warming Hysteria

Presentation of Defender of the Constitution Award (recipient: Rush Limbaugh)

I thought Michael Steele was trying to give the GOP a hip-hop makeover, but I see shocking little evidence of that on the agenda. I am particularly sad though to be missing Media in the Obama Era: Is Journalism Dead? From their perspective, I'm totally crossing my fingers for it.

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