Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some Things That Really Happened

1. They made batteries out of paper. I also have a battery made of paper. It's called the Norton Anthology of Short Stories. It's rechargeable. It does not, however, work well in vibrators.

2. They finally wired up the ocean floor. The war with the Mer-Mercenaries will begin as a serious of isolated events....

3. Ohio made the BBC News. Because we are more efficient at killing people. Go us! I hate that this guys death, no matter what kind of scumbag he was, will now be remembered as an experiment. Experimental deaths should be honorable things, like testing cancer treatments, or embedded brain prosthetics.

4.This girl wrote this crazy awesome G.I Joe theory craziness. I mean, she's always writing crazy awesome stuff, but this one touched me. In that special place.

5. I totally won some nail polish! Which, I'm not gonna lie, restores my faith in humanity today. Ohio Authority recently also had this story about this girl who bit her nails and then stopped cause she liked nailpolish, and then became a super successful makeup blogger. Which is of course exactly what's going to happen to me. So I have Zoya to thank for my future condo in Barbados and line of Swarovskis headbands. Thanks Zoya! (psst, Midwestgrrl, I will totally trade a bottle for some peppermint bark)

6. But just in case I might go to bed feeling somewhat okay with the world, just a reminder that everyone still really sucks. A whole lot. Bye Bye Public Option. You were easily my favorite myth of the decade. Like America's literacy rate, or Hannah Montana's virginity.


  1. Oooh, those Zoyas are good, I have those. It's a party on your nail. Good time of year for those.

    I am pretty excited to make this peppermint bark...it's a bit early yet, but only because I'd nibble away at it until it was nearly gone.

  2. I have to say, now that I've typed "Swarovski headbands", I can't stop thinking about them.

  3. Etsy is waiting for you with open arms.


Who wants to fuck the Editors?