Friday, January 9, 2009

You know what I wish I had right now, as I wait to leave work and brave the snowstorm?

A cabinet/fridge camera that I could access through a website.

Wouldn't that be just the most useful? I could figure out if I have cornstarch and lemon juice. My life, as we know it, would be microscopically changed for the better.


  1. whoa. that is a revolutionary idea. that would indeed change the world.

  2. I think there's something already out there that scans the bar codes on products in fridges and lets you know what's in there. See:

  3. I want something like this that can cross-reference a recipe I am looking at online with the ingredients I have at home so I know how much I'll have to buy at the grocery store.

    I would also like this technology to compute the cost of the ingredients I have to buy so I know if I should even bother.

    Let's get cracking, science!


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