Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Things I Want to Remember About My Twenties...

So last night, I was leaving work and I was trying to decide if I was going to go to the Citizen Dick free Cotton Jones performance at Music Saves . I mean, it was on the way home. I get out at 7, the thing was at 8, perfect timing. And CB recently gave me a burned copy of a Cotton Jones cd which was pretty good. Very M.Wardish.

However, I decided not to go because my head was killing me. And then right before work, I got sick and I had to vomit in the work bathroom. Okay, vomiting carrots is better than some things, but a lot worse than others. So, that kind of sealed it. And I'm glad that happened before I left work, because then on the way home, I had to vomit again! And I totally employed this super sweet skill I learned last summer, when I had rampant migraines that made me throw up all the time.

That's right kids. Nobody in the world is better than me now at throwing up into a plastic bag while driving on 480. No swerving. No pulling over. I am the master. I didn't even get anything on my shirt.

I would like to know though why it is that I always have to car vomit when driving over the 480 Valley View bridge. You know, the most dangerous part of the highway? Either my migraine is actually a small suicidal parasite living in my brain, or I'm that repulsed by Garfield Heights. There's an equal chance of both.

Don't worry, I'll stop talking about gross bodily functions and go back to talking about food soon. Oh, and I'm just fine today.


  1. Hey Bridget!

    I saw you doing that on the 480 bridge and was extremely impressed! Just kidding.

    How high is that bridge? Too high.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to have a chance to discover you.

    I love your "about me" copy over to the right. :)


Who wants to fuck the Editors?