Monday, March 30, 2009

Karaoke Crossing

Saturday night was the Aries night out, as they like to call it, and we all met up at Casey Jones karaoke night (which I think should be renamed Gracie Jones). Buddy came with me as commentary, because we should be given our own late night show on E! And I made the classic mistake of not knowing what I wanted when the bartender asked me, and blurting out the only thing I could think of with all the pressure. Which was a Long Island ice tea. The first sip immediately swept me back ten years, when Buddy and I were regulars at dyke bars and the Grid. It also brought back the feeling of really being too drunk to keep drinking this, which Long Islands can do to you after half of the first glass. It's an illusion, but it'll make you vomit nonetheless. I spent the rest of the night making all the girls try my drink, to get some company in my nostalgic misery. Once you've thrown up Long Islands, you can never go back, and we have ALL thrown up Long Islands.

Birthday girl Kelly (and Buddy): She is a delicate fucking flower.

Birthday girl Krista: She will crush your delicate fucking flower with the power of Rock. Also, she makes jewelry.

Olivia Neutron Bomb.

Andrew bringing lightning down off the mountain, to reanimate Depeche Mode.

Adam and Krista taking Enter the Sandman, and bringing it to new growly voice heights.


  1. Hey, I do call that place Gracie Jones.

  2. Woah! Krista is a friend of ours too -- we heart her :) We'll be seeing her tomorrow night actually, small world!


  3. Too funny! I've known Krista for years, she sheltered me in Tremont. Also, she's my craft goddess.

  4. I haven't drank a long island in a good 10 years and I still can feel the burn of a Long Island puke. Bleech!


Who wants to fuck the Editors?