Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gawker understands me.

"NBC has named David Gregory the official replacement host of their Sunday morning show Meet the Press, in which politicos and reporters of all sorts chat about Issues and then cry a little and then do some whippets and take a nap."

Also, check out what Obama says in his youtube address this week, at the 38 second mark, check out the use of gender...

"It's about the rising unease and frustration that so many of you are feeling during this holiday season. Will you be able to put your kids through college? Will you be able to afford health care? Will you be able to retire with dignity and security? Will YOUR job or your HUSBAND'S job, or your daughter's or son's job be the next one cut?"

And really, couldn't you just kiss him for the mention of electronic medical records?

And no, that is not a Saturday Night Live clip below, even though that may be your first reaction.

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