Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today was an eventful day for no reason whatsoever. I got out of my work assessment so quick, I took a three hour lunch and headed down to the lake, where I watched birds and dogs, old people with small children (hopefully their grandchildren). I pondered the idea that the problem with modern relationships is the lack of natural feeling, since we're all so obsessed with money and all, which leads us to be obsessed with our jobs, which naturally leads us to drink to much and numb ourselves to the excess of natural feeling available. Like swimming, and looking at the lake, and hearing the lake, and sunsets, and running too hard and being exhausted, or fucking too hard and being exhausted. I think I'm starting to feel what's been referred to as the "modern disconnect".

I also learned today that I love golf. I was at this sports bar today for two hours waiting for the outlanders to come (they stopped at the hotel, bastardes), and I got really really drunk and watched the 108th US Open. According to Uncle Tony, this means I've moved up to the "next level", loving golf. Cause honestly, I was perfectly content drinking and earnestly watching golf. It's fucking hypnotic. For two hours I watched men walking around greens, and it was FASCINATING. I wonder if the "level" after this includes ripping out my eyes and watching Wolf Blitzer eat them. Modern Disconnect indeed.

(edit: it's tomorrow morning, and I swear, blogs should have breathalyzers. The stuff I just erased was just like tripe, only people like to make soup out of tripe, and this stuff wouldn't even make a good sandwich.)

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