Thursday, July 17, 2008

Which came first, the duck or the foi gras?

So which is harder? Falling in love or breaking up?

I think we can all agree that the answer you give is a pretty good indicator of what kind of person you are.

If you say falling in love is harder, then you're a person who, while you may be a totally generous wonderful kind dude, is ultimately more self-concerned. You may be afraid, picky, or totally vain. An attention whore, a self-defined failure, or merely preoccupied with finishing your thesis. Point is, another person is never going to be the center of your world. You're the kind of person who will get stuff done, whatever the flaws or virtues that contribute to that.

Another type is the person who breaks up constantly because they need to be obsessed with the other persons view of them. Isn't he a slob! Isn't he mean! Isn't he such a loser! But they can't separate themselves, because really that other person is something reflecting them to themselves. Oh now he hates me, now he thinks I'm bitch. Maybe I will be a bitch then. Maybe I deserve to be angry, maybe I deserve more than this. They can adopt a whole new persona, a whole new dimension of themselves, however they want to see their life. They're addicted to blaming the other person for all the problems in their personal life. It contributes to the sick satisfaction they get from being a participant in the soap opera.

Some people are just constantly falling in love, and really what they are doing is finding as much excuse as possible not to think about themselves. They want to think about the other person, to always be pondering what they're doing, if they thinking about you, if they are happy, if they're unhappy. If one distraction disappears. then they jump immediately for next one. The drama that the other type found entertaining in its martyrdom, this group finds sustaining in the total control of lifestyle. They live for a life other than their own.

Lastly, there's the person who thinks breaking up is hardest. This person is the opposite of the falling-in-love-is-harder guy. They can't think about themselves enough, they ache for the other person and also for the loss of that person's trust, the effect of losing that trust on the rest of that person's life. They are not saints. It's not saintly to have a hard time breaking up. The person who takes it hardest makes the whole process hard, for the other person, their friends, their family, probably some well meaning co-workers by the coffee machine (though not as bad as the middle two). But this person is empathetic, or maybe at least intelligently sympathetic.

Look, I made a chart:

Most-----------------------Falling in Love is hardest
.-----------------------Breaks up constantly

.-----------------------Falls in love constantly

Least-----------------------Breaking up is hardest

Maybe the point of growing up is to move from the middle of the spectrum to one end or the other.

But what about when you are the type of person who finds both pretty easy? Is that the ideal? Or is it the worst kind?

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