Thursday, July 31, 2008

Does all comedy live on this way?

1. I'm living in a world where I can hear uttered on the news in complete seriousness,
"an air raid by drones in Pakistan".

2. Countdown is in lots of ways much funnier than the Daily Show.

3. Saying that Countdown is funnier than the Daily Show makes me feel dirty, but not out of misplaced loyalty for John Stewart. Is it wrong for me to find humor in the utter hopelessness and ridiculousness of the world around me? The Montauk Monster is a good example of this: I know its a decomposing animal corpse, and yet? I find it entertaining.


5. Yes, we all know how much Exxon makes. We've known for years. And years. And years. Why is everyone so shocked by this?


7. Pharmecutical Exercising

8. Playing Dress Up with Navy SEALS, Arabian Nights style


  1. I wish I had a better computer so I could make a short video of quotes from Doctor Who that supports Obama's platform.

    "Oil, an emergency? The sooner the leaders of this world stop depending on a mineral sludge, the better."

  2. Oh, you HAVE to find a way to do that. Make it work!


Who wants to fuck the Editors?