Sunday, April 24, 2011

Days of Significance

That's Carrie's Easter Gin Martini. She swears it goes well with foil wrapped chocolate.

Easter is magical even to us hard souled ne'er-do-wells because it is a combination of all things important to little infantile hearts: Tragic Mythical Death at the hands of Villains, Flowers, Fancy Chocolate in Shapes you can only get once a year, and Fuzzy Baby Animals. Any holiday with this combination is guaranteed to be a success.

Possible New Holiday Ideas: Martin Luther King Day, with black and white chain shaped candies, lots of magnolias, baby doves.

Anne Boleyn Day: red roses, hard candies in the shape of royal jewels (we could wear them!), cocker spaniel puppies.

Ghandi Day: Lotus blossoms, cow shaped caramels, peacocks and calves.

John Lennon Day: Dandelions, pink colored sugar elephants and peanut butter filled globes, kittens.

Chico Mendes Day: Orchids, cinnamon and chili spiced Brazil shaped chocolates, baby parrots. Cause adult parrots are sort of scary.

Euripides Day: peonies, almond and pistachio wafers shaped like dogs, baby lambs and goats.

Tsar Nicholas II Day: Chamomiles and daisies, white chocolate revolvers and horses, bear cubs.


  1. I am so in for Anne Boleyn Day. When do we celebrate?

  2. Oh my god May 19th! It's coming up! We have time to plan!

  3. I have the same birthday as John Lennon. I'm all about making it a national holiday. Get on that, sweet monkey chaps.

  4. But it's not about his birthday, it's about his death day. Birthdays are, pshaw, whatevs.


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