Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Saturday Night!

007, originally uploaded by sharpshinyclaws.

Shark versus Giant Seagull. Go.


  1. hmm Giant Seagull can stick and move.

    stick and move.

    Unless its Mega Shark.

  2. But it's clearly not, so seagull wins, right? Cause it's mega seagull?

    SYFY needs to do Mega Seagull, and it needs to be bloody as hell.

  3. Maybe it is Mega Shark, just very far away so it looks like Regular Joe Shark, who's not at all intimidating. To Mega Seagull, I mean. Plenty intimidating to me.

  4. I mean, mega shark would have to be MILES away to look that small. But it can come up very fast. Like, breaking the pull of earth's gravity fast.


Who wants to fuck the Editors?