Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How many links to adequately express how pissed off I am that you ruined this again and I am alone cause you couldn't get it together?

Be Specific

Self Like

Rest In Peace

Got Your #

Still Got It


Minus One

Yeah seriously, screw you.

Oh well. In less than a week I'll be sitting in a hotel room in Austin, watching the election results, and Obama will win and then I'll go to bed and when I wake up it will be a brand new world where no one can be angry at each other anymore. And all the New York hipster elitists will be friends with the steelworker Ohioans, and the crazies will go back to being just weird crazies, and Joe the Plumber will....okay we will still all hate Joe the Plumber, but thats because he reminds us of the guy our friend used to date who was just SUCH a douchebag. And Rachel Maddow will be elected Queen of the Lesbians, and she'll hold high court on a farm somewhere in Connecticut. And no one will watch Frank TV. Ever.

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