Sunday, December 2, 2007

Today is the day that Sean regrets having me live less than ten minutes from a Pat Catans. Or Target.

I'm very happy with my Christmas tree. Its a wonderful little tree. And the lights all around the room are very pretty and look great in the reflection of our wonderful new TV. 2008 is the year I will finally join the legions of women with boxes of "Christmas stuff".

Note: Noticed how I said MY christmas tree, but OUR tv? Dicussion not needed.

Also accomplished today? Homemade pickles. With jalapenos, onion, lots of pepper and cumin. Jerk pickles.

Marty and Rebecca reminded me today that I know nothing about Hannukah. I don't even know if I spelled it right. However, I do now know that gelt is chocolate money you use to play Dreidel, and also that knickknacks are called "chotskes"? Which I thought was a sandwich shop?

A very strange day full of lots of people in an out. Usually my social time is very planned. Today was open house. It was exhausting. Fun, but sickeningly exhausting. My brain no longer functions after 10 hours of visiting. I need a mint julep.

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