Friday, September 24, 2010

The Thing About Betty White

Look, Betty White was funny as Rose, because Rose was a really well written character. And she was funny in Lake Placid because she was still Rose to you. But she was not that funny on SNL. She has not been that funny in most of cameos that are popping up all over like the lady is trying to finance a serious gambling addiction. I can only watch the "old lady swearing" schtick so many times. After all, so what, I know lots of old ladies who swear like 3 dollar hookers. In fact, pretty much every old lady I know, but that might have more to do with the fact they are all nurses. Nurses are potty mouths. However, as Community proved last night, if you give the lady good writing, she knows what to do with it. So fine, whatever, everyone rave about Betty White some more. I just hope when I'm really old, I also have some pop culture niche I can exploit to fund my donations to Columbian economic support and development.

When you are done watching that 5 or 6 times in a row because it's awesome (dogs used to eat me, now they bring the paper in), go to Turning River to see my new post up there, and Jere's new one is up too!


  1. There was a SNL revolution. They stormed NBC and elected her the New Ethel Merman.

  2. I don't think she's funny. I'm happy for her success but her 15 seconds (years) of fame has got to end soon.

  3. Bridget: why not disable comment moderation? is it a legal/liability thing or just a personal preference to eliminate comments you don't like?

  4. It's a personal preference to not have a repeat of the obscene comments I was getting a month ago.

    Maybe. Someday. When I believe in the goodness of man again.


  5. can't a good man post an obscene comment once in a while? that is one of the skills i learned while serving in the navy.

  6. I loved White last night, but I sort of dig "Community" in general.

    Bill, behave yourself for chrissake.

  7. Erin, Community and Modern Family are the two best sitcoms on right now. But this managed to take the bitter taste out of my mouth from that stupid Gollum/Chang thing that almost ruined everything all of it my entire world for me.

  8. Everyone I know loves Modern Family. I prefer Cops.

    Hi Erin.


Who wants to fuck the Editors?