Friday, April 18, 2008

The things that go on in my head...I've picked up the art of having conversations with myself (out loud) from my dad, and sometimes when I'm excited or distressed, I forget that I shouldn't be wandering around talking to myself, making funny faces. For instance, when I found out (an hour after my interviews) that I GOT THE JOB, I talked to myself for the rest of the day, and walked around smiling muttering things under my breath like "yes, it IS awesome." One of the girls today at work asked me if I negotiated my pay, and I felt like a total schmuck, cause no I didn't, no it didn't even occur to me, because I was just happy they were giving me more than they had to. Which, don't get me wrong, is not much. But I guess I'm of the opinion that until I crack 35k a year, I'm probably not THAT valuable to them, and I should just keep my mouth shut till I hit the salary jobs.

What do you think? Should hourly paid phone workers who have only been there for two years and still file ez1040s start negotiating? They did ask me in the interview to give an example of my negotiating skills. Maybe I should have just said, "Look, I can spell negotiation without using spellcheck, can you?"

I don't anticipate a lot of answers to this, but I get enough hits on this damn thing, so give me a little back.. It's the Meme of the Month!

"Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don't blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don't blog about, but you'd like to hear about, and I'll write a post about it."

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