1/16 I know I've been angry these days. I'm an angry girl. You'd be an angry girl too if...
1/17 Monsters are everywhere. They are, like roaches, incredibly reliable and can inhabit any sort of environment, no matter how hostile.
Recently, The Occasional Superheroine ( see sidebar) posted a link to some fan art depicting the Cloverfield monster. Because I am a terrible person, I want to just post the picture here without a link. But in execution, I'm not such a bad person, and also someone is cooking me a vegan breakfast today so how can I be mean when someone is so sweet, so here's a link:
Look at those forearms!
Now here's a link to the best picture I can find of the monster from the The Host:
FacialSide View
So why the sudden shift from T Rex Godzilla monsters to heavy jowled, forward balanced, speed machines? Is it only because our knowledge of prehistoric creatures is so much larger than when Godzilla was conceived? I definitely see similarities between the new boys and some old school monsters:
1/26 So I haven't said anything to you in a week or two. It isn't because I haven't had internet (gasp!), its because the days when I'm not out and also not cleaning, I prefer to sit around my new very big very empty apartment and watch Bravo.
1/27 Last night I dreamed about a guy who killed himself, and then his girlfriend killed herself too, and I linked it all back to these potheads who had stolen her body. They lived in a house with spigots that leaked weed smoke all day long, and the only reason we found them is because their wolfhound got out and gave a cat a hernia which killed it, so the cats owner tracked them down with us and beat the fuck out of the passed out ringleader who kinda looked like the guy from Jamiroquia. I don't think that's how you spell their name, but its an approximation.
Also, I went out to dinner the other day and heard Two Step by Dave Matthews, and remembered that there were some songs by him I really liked which makes me really old but oh well. So yesterday I downloaded some, like Warehouse and Tripping Billies. But mostly I was reminded of how much of his catalog sucks and I don't like it at all, this weird indecisive trip through the Kent dorm rooms. It feels like I should be more decisive about things that happened almost ten years ago.