Monday, August 2, 2010

Today was somewhat okay

Okay, so first good news of the last two weeks. Today Colleen and I went to a beach that my friend Midwestgrrl had recommended. She called it the abandoned beach. We drove all the way to the East Side, a lakefront I barely know at all, and after a bit of wandering around various marinas we found it. With old guys in camping chairs parked there in front of their boats, at the most public school municipal brick version of a marina that you ever saw. The beach itself was lovely. No guard. Big rock islands. Deep clean sand and only three people there when we first arrived. More people showed up a little later, but it never looked anything but empty. A group of pretty Russian girls splashed around, with two dark haired boys that splashed and romped and were generally the picture of Black Sea vacation days. It was lovely. They screamed in Russian, and took photos of each other everywhere. They all climbed up on the rocks and posed against the sunset, arms akimbo, waving and laughing.

We stayed in the water for three hours. Then headed to Tremont for ice cream. It was really one of those nights where you sit outside Scoops with your butter pecan, watching your vegan friend get super enthusiastic like every vegan who goes there gets. Super excited and gleeful, no matter how many times they've been there. Just a heads up. If you have a vegan significant other, you should be taking them there at least once a week in the summer. If you're not, shame on you. Anyway, it was one of those nights where you really love Tremont again. Those nights come fewer and fewer as I get older, and the days of Peter and Edison's get farther away, or Krista at Lava, or Jawndomay. Listen guys, I love you, but I always felt silly having to say Jawndomay. I got used to it though, because the reverence grew on me. That was a special apartment, the ones you always remember at least two of from your twenties.

Then some coffee and now here. We resolved to go to the beach every Friday from now till the end of summer. Anyone else who wants to join us is welcome. We're gonna pack lunches to eat there, and books to read, and we'll stay all day. This is going to be our thing for a little while. It seems like the best decision I've made all summer. Thank god. I was worried there I might never make a good one again.


  1. Invasion USA taught me to fear Russians on the beach....even if they were Florida beaches.

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  3. Who is this person and why are they messing with you? Don't they know you have friends in Jersey? We know what to do with dead bodies. Hell, it's covered on the exam to get your driver's license.

  4. Ells, it's either my ex's new girlfriend, or my ex himself, or some troll friend of theirs. Either way, I'm just gonna keep deleting them. Assholes.

  5. For the record, I don't like them. The end.

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  7. hi bridget. this is gina (arabella and shannon's friend) anyways just discovered your blog. love it.

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  10. Dear anon, maybe you shouldn't use his actual name then. And for the record, no, I have no such confidence in him.

  11. This beach sounds delicious! Here, in the heart of post-industrial England, we have no such loveliness,sadly. Really enjoyed taking the trip with you. I wonder how long it will be before 'Anonymous' gets bored and floats away. What, are they twelve, or something?

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  14. I'm glad you had such a good day, and I'm glad you had great ice cream (and a happy vegan friend), and I think your plan to go to the beach every Friday is a great plan and I wish I could go, too.

    I'm trying to combat the negativity of the deleted posts, but I'm coming across too gooey and saccharine and nobody wants that, and see, there's a little negativity, and wasn't that what I was trying to avoid? On the other hand, a little negativity with all the goodness is like salt mixed with sweet which is the BEST thing ever. Chocolate covered pretzels. Take those to beach!

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  17. I'll have to check that place out, only that would require getting the mister to venture to the East Side -- which may, or may not happen.

    Anon, are you 13? I mean really? Really? Go pass some notes and masturbate to the picture of Justin Bieber on your Trapper Keeper, or whatever it is you do with your time The grown-ups are talking here.

  18. I never knew that Scoops did vegan ice cream.

    Also, anon, this is not Livejournal.

  19. Where is this magical beach. I promise I won't fuck it up by bringing anyone but myself to it.


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