Thursday, May 17, 2007

Observations to start off my day here

Finally! Howard Dean, Sean, John McCain, and I all agree on something! Torture is beneath us!

I really really wish that McCain had never thrown his lot in with those evildoers. Not that I want him to be president, but I certainly don't want him to be Republican. Its like watching your old grandpa become less and less cool in direct inverse proportion to his ability to sustain an erection.

Half of the Republican candidates don't believe in evolution. How did this happen to us?

The front runner for the Republicans is a Mormon who wants to double the size of Guantanamo?

The front runners for the Democrats are a white lady and a black guy from Chicago?

This has got to be the weirdest election in American history. And while I should welcome revolution, good or bad, I instead want to crawl in a hole and read Nixon histories till its over.

The closest thing to normalcy we could ever expect, as Sean pointed out, was McCain versus Edwards.

The last election I stopped talking to anyone I knew who voted for Bush. I don't know how to treat anyone who votes for Mitt Romney. I mean, they will have proven themselves mentally retarded. At that point, I will stop railing about stupid people, and instead embrace the idea that stupidity is in fact a mental disease, a genetic flaw that needs to be actively treated as a disablement. No wonder they want to stop stem cell research. Ideally, it would wipe all of them out eventually.

Which reminds me of the group of parents who are campaigning for doctors to let them talk to mothers who find out their unborn child will be retarded. These parents want those mothers to meet their own grown children, who haven't developed past five and can't be independent, but can happily sing a song and show off like five year olds. They want to show those mothers how happy these children can be, so that they won't get abortions. But over and over again in the article, the parents of the retarded children said that they were worried about so many people being able to catch and stop these pregnancies, because what will happen to their grown up babies when the world is no longer producing anymore of them? So their real motivation is not the welfare of the parents or the happiness of the unborn child, but selfishness and a desire for more people to go through what they go through, so they can be a majority.

And it is people like that who vote for Mitt Romney. They do not have the future of the Human Race in their thoughts. They are only concerned about there being more people just like them, even though they aren't so happy themselves.

People who would vote for Rudy Giuliani watch too many movies. And drink too much.

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