Monday, July 2, 2012

We're in the middle of some stuff here, folks

So I know the blog entries have been sparse lately, but I swore I would publish this book before I moved to North Carolina, so between looking for housing, applying to jobs, haggling with the college admin, and working on the book, I have no time for you. I'm sorry. I still generally like you. But I would like you more if you'd like to be my personal assistant for free. I mean, I can pay you, but it will be in hugs and compliments.

I swear, going back to college may turn out to be the most adult thing I've ever endeavored. In terms of paperwork at least.

The third episode of the podcast is up. We'll be doing a live episode at Touch on Tuesday next week, on my birthday, woohoo! So I'll announce the theme for later. I can't decide if admitting I do this podcast is a liability to future roommates or we're just gonna roll with it. At some point in your life, you have to just switch your blog to your actual name, and admit that this is what you do, and it's pretty awesome.

I wish I was at the beach right now.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry if I have not been around as much... I did not know you were heading for Carolina!! One of my Carolina daughters, KT is here visiting and I finally have found gainful employment!!

    So glad about the book and the going back to school. That is a "grown person" thing, and it starts you on a long road of becoming a partially-responsible person!! Good luck Bridget, you really are my best friend!!


Who wants to fuck the Editors?